
The strange behaviors of provaxxers and their eerie connection to the Abrahamic religions

In mid 2021, it all started when I created a second Instagram account that diverted attention away from my brother. At some point, I noticed a few posts on Instagram about people dying from vaccines. I looked at a few reports of people dying from taking the vaccine, and... I was horrified from what I saw. From there, I decided to look up more instances of this on Youtube, only for not much to be shown. I returned to Instagram again, looked up a few more cases and one account introduced me to Youtube alternative called Bitchute. I went there, and not only did I hear more reports of people dying from the vaccine, but I've seen people suddenly collapsing on live television, only adding more to the horror, with a few links to certain websites (; I went to those two websites and learned a truly horrific count of people who died from taking the vaccine, and that this has been pushed by Jews. By mid-August, mandates for vaccination emerged, and lea...

Why Jews need proxies

  It’s well-known that the Jews (as well as their offshoots such as Christianity and Islam) are responsible for a large majority of the world’s problems (I’m talking at least 90%), be it through government, law enforcement, environmental, technological, educational, and even racial. The problem, however, is that they seldom do the dirty work (the physical kind, not the legal kind), and when they do, it’s either when their enemies are incredibly weakened (thus giving them an advantage), or whenever some opportunity that benefits them arises. If the Jews and the Abrahamics enforced any of their plans openly, their plans would’ve collapsed far sooner than they are now. What I’ve learned and observed is that, through obscure sources, is that in all their history, Jews need proxy groups to gain an advantage. Currently, there’s a technocracy in the works, what with 5G upgrading to 6G (heavily rumored to spread and affect people at the cellular level) chem-trails (The latter I’ve obser...

Ominous quotes of the Jewish Agenda

  "I'm going to bring down the United States by funding Black Hate groups. We'll put them into a mental trap and blame white people. The Black community is the easiest to manipulate. "George Soros, in an interview with Germany BILD, 2014

The Mask of Idealism

During my time at a buffet at Linden, NJ yesterday, I realized that Jews and their offshoot groups (Christianity, Islam, Wokeism, New Age Movement) have a history of wearing the mask of idealist. To understand this, one must take a look at idealism: Idealism is a mental construct people desire to pursue for improvement. In modern day, society, people talk about ideals, strive and persevere to manifest and achieve that ideal, talk about success stories to about how they've made their ideals a reality. However, idealists never asked themselves whether or not their ideals can work against them, or it's possible for people to use idealism as a mask to conceal a crime or a very sinister conspiracy. The latter is something worth considering, leading to a thought: What better way for the Jews and their offshoots to draw in their victims than to pretend to have ideals themselves? The idealist will discuss, take action, and make effort to improve communities. Their focus and desire to ...

I think excluding religion from government was a mistake

It has been widely suggested that religion and government should have no business interfering with one another, and secularism has been argued as a better civilization. This is partly true; in the middle ages, Christian integrated itself into every legal part of society to the point it became the governments around Europe. While Secularism made things partially better for people and the religious people don't directly interfere with political affairs, this puts Christians, Muslims, and their masters, Jews, in a very, very good position to influence and manipulate politicians from the shadows. Two commonalities between current governments and the Abrahamic religions is that they use fearmongering and mandates to get their way. Musician Frank Zappa grimly implied in a 1985 interview that Evangelicals, a sect of Christianity, "keep putting on this smokescreen about government meddling religion, but really it's religion meddling in government because of the influence they [th...

Why I won't vote in elections

I've only watched two clips of one of the 2024 election debates, the first being Donald Trump calling out Kamala Harris's failure to secure American borders against immigration during her time as vice president, and the second time was him showing his audience a clip of a scandal Harris was involved in. To the average listener, these are legitimate points; immigrants flooded the nation during the first two years of Biden's presidency, and not a single politician under Biden spoke out on this. This is a solid until one remembers that Trump is not just a supporter of Israel, but a member of Christianity, an offshoot of Judaism (despite Christians insisting the contrary) in addition to tolerating Islam, another offshoot of Judaism. Harris, likely giving off false promises of better healthcare, better minimum wages, or some similar chicanery. Why would I go on a tangent and consider this detail critical when it has nothing to do with politics?   One must note that there are c...

Quotes from the Torah/Talmud

In case there still people who doubt how cruel, vicious, brutal, and conniving Jews can be, these quotes from both the Torah and the Talmud should be enough evidence to prove that they're not the peace-loving people they claim to be. Quotes from the Torah Isaiah 14:2 - “And Israel will take possession of the (Gentile) nations and make them male & female servants in the Lord’s land. Quotes from the Talmud Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348 - "All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples." Hilkkoth Akum X1 - "Show no mercy to the Goyim.” Sanhedrin 59a - "Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.” Baba Kamma 113a - “Jews may use lies (deceit) to circumvent a Gentile.” Schulchan Aruch, Jore Dia - “A Jew is permitted to rape, cheat and perjure himself (lie); but he must take care that he is not found out, so that Israel may not suffer.” Libbre David 37 - “To comm...