The Bible is not just a Scam, but a work of Jewish witchcraft:

Many people think the bible is a benevolent book that teaches virtue. When one really reads the bible, they show that it is nothing but misery and suffering for everyone who's stupid enough to believe the lies and hand everything over to the Jews. For starters, Jesus's name in Hebrew is literally "Yeshua." Secondly, The Christian "God" a majority of people pray to are the Jews themselves who concoct crimes of murders and deception, framing such as accidents/natural causes/unfortunate happenstance/drug abuse/whatever the Jews can think of (basically, they try to make their murders look like the aforementioned words split up. Finally, there is a list all the verses that serves the Jewish Agenda (explanations will be in parentheses): Proverbs 10:22: "The LORD’s blessing enriches, and he adds no painful effort to it." (This might sound like an uplifting message to the average reader, but this is how the Jews get all of the wealth without having to wor...