Why Jews need proxies


It’s well-known that the Jews (as well as their offshoots such as Christianity and Islam) are responsible for a large majority of the world’s problems (I’m talking at least 90%), be it through government, law enforcement, environmental, technological, educational, and even racial. The problem, however, is that they seldom do the dirty work (the physical kind, not the legal kind), and when they do, it’s either when their enemies are incredibly weakened (thus giving them an advantage), or whenever some opportunity that benefits them arises. If the Jews and the Abrahamics enforced any of their plans openly, their plans would’ve collapsed far sooner than they are now. What I’ve learned and observed is that, through obscure sources, is that in all their history, Jews need proxy groups to gain an advantage.

Currently, there’s a technocracy in the works, what with 5G upgrading to 6G (heavily rumored to spread and affect people at the cellular level) chem-trails (The latter I’ve observed whenever I go outside), etc. Out in the open (Publicly), Jews, Christians, and Muslims will claim to oppose to the technocracy, only to be big supporters of it, just as they did with COVID vaccinations. The reason Jews, Christians, Muslims (and other Abrahamics) do this is in large part due to the principle of transparency: When Person A tells Person B about something in public and presents something as evidence via a screen or papers, Person B will believe what Person A said, not what Person A knows. This implies that Person A may know something that Person B does not and is keeping it from the latter. When the Jews and Christians (and possibly Muslims) openly speak out against the technocracy, the ignorant mass majority will believe them, not realizing that the opposite is true: Not only are the Jews supporters of the technocracy, but are funding and implementing it as we speak. The diversionary plan of the subversive Jews is to talk about “problem” and “bring awareness to it,” placing everyone in fear and therefore pushing the focus away from them, all the while they secretly implement their plans of a technocracy. Only observant readers will look into this and learn that the top staff of the technocracy are (or as of this writing, will be) led by Jews.

If there are two proxy groups controlled by Jews, it’s all theater, designed to distract people from the root of the problem: The Jews themselves and their religion. When Christians and Muslims fight, it’s merely a distraction, only used to further whatever plans the Jews have in secret. The American right-wing/left-wing political party is another example of two proxy groups in the political aspect for the sole purpose of distracting people watching television from the fact that the two parties are controlled by Jews via their political lobby AIPAC. With this, Christianity and Islam can do all the Jew’s dirty work while the Jews can implement their plans without any hindrances (currently, this isn’t as strongly the case as it used to be). Another example, one that is racial, is Blacks vs Whites. Blacks kill white people, primarily as part of the Jews’ plan to distract the White Man from the Jew; in a case that’s tangentially tied to religion, the black man is inadvertently a proxy of the Jew, as many black people in America and Europe are either Christians (be it Catholic or Protestant) or Muslims (Whether they’re Sunni or Shiite.), while most White people in those continents are squarely Christian as they mistake Christianity to be in opposition of Judaism.

What’s apparently strange is that, currently in the States, Trump, on his second term, has made no attempt to end support and legal protection for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (and yes, I’m putting all three religions on the same boat) and not on his first term either; and the funny thing, neither nor did Biden, Obama, Bush Jr., Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, etc. Not even Kennedy, a liked president, tried to end support and legal protection for the three Abrahamic religions. This alone should imply something for the most astute people who hate the three Abrahamic religions. In a very tragic instance of irony, the religions the American people supported, protected, and idealized as “symbols of love, tolerance, and protection,” are the source of the very problems they’re trying to solve, and most still deny it to this day, largely out of some hope fulfillment fantasy.

Religion is the problem. Race, principles, Morals, and even Politics are red herrings; The Jews need proxy groups (whether via the groups they created [Christianity, Islam, New Age Movement, Buddhism], or through infiltration [technology, education, medical, legal/governmental, racial groups]) because they cannot defeat any opponent in a direct confrontation. They will beg for their lives and play victim the moment they’re held accountable and about to be executed for a crime they committed. Without any government, medical group, education system, or racial group to hide behind, the Jew wouldn’t nearly gotten as far as they have now. They’re parasitic chameleons, if there ever are one.


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