
Showing posts from May, 2023

Characteristics of the current Jewish Theocracy

Characteristics of the current Jewish Theocracy 5/15/2023 One of the several reasons for creating this list is that, unfortunately, non-Jewish idealists, while their hearts are in the right place, are the most woefully predictable people in the planet. For the convenience of the average reader who isn’t aware of the inner workings of the Jew, I will list a few characteristics of a Jewish Theocracy (also extends to Christianity and Islam, since both are created by Jews.): ·        Publicly Masochistic Self-Portrayals: Jews, having colossal influence in every government, publicly tell endless (false) narratives of themselves being “persecuted.” This is just a ploy to accumulate power and undermine the freedoms and economies of all nations and peoples while only they themselves prosper; these fools ignorant social idealists enough to play right into their schemes. The most known example is The Holocaust. In certain countries, questioning the Holocaust is warranted to arrest someo