Islam: A Religion of Death, No different from Christianity

DISCLAIMER: The material below does not belong to me in any way, shape or form.

Recent times, Islam has been seen as a more rational choice than Christianity; in public the Muslims seem to make more logical arguments about their god and what they condemn. What they do backstage, however, is a completely different story: What Muslim followers don't realize is that Islam is just as vile as Christianity; for one, they're more open about sexual relationships with children, and that rape is actually permissible within the religion. Here are a collection of quotes by Muslims regarding their own religion:

The "Prophet" (Muhammed) wrote the (marriage contract) with "Aisha while she was six years old and
consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him
for nine years (i.e. till his death)." SahihBukhari Volume Seven, Book 62, Number 88.  -the "prophet" himself.

You read that right: Muhammed condones pedophilia.


 "It is not illegal for an adult male to 'thigh‘ or enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his penis between her thighs, and to kiss her."

NOTE: The age of ―weaning‖ is still technically a baby. This is horrible; the baby is going be psychologically messed up for the rest of their lives growing up.

"A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual acts such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged." - the fatwa issued by Ayatollah Khomeini

A "fatwa" is the name given to a written religious law or ruling by an Islamic leader. 

Nevertheless, a fatwa about child marriage proves that Islam supports pedophilia.


Now with the above law in mind, that does not prevent the Muslim from doing the brutality themselves. Here are some example stories:

"The latest child-bride to make the news is a 12-year-old who died during a painful childbirth that also killed her baby. FawziyaAmmodi struggled for three days in labor, before dying of severe bleeding at a hospital on Friday, said the Seyaj Organization for the Protection of Children, a children‘s rights group. Although the cause of her death was lack of medical care, the real case was the lack of education in Yemen and the fact that child marriages keep happening,‖ said Seyaj President Ahmed al-Qureshi during an interview with CNN. Like more than half of all young Yemeni girls, Fawziya was forced to drop out of school and married off to a 24-year-old man last year." - Another Child Bride dies,


"A Palestinian girl who was raped and impregnated by her two brothers was later murdered by her own mother – even though her daughter was the crime‘s innocent victim – in another of the disturbingly common, if vastly underreported, instances of ―honor killings." 

here is the full story:;wap2

LONDON (Reuters) – "A Kurdish woman was brutally raped, stamped on and strangled by members of her family and their friends in an ―honor killing‖ carried out at her London home because she had fallen in love with the wrong man. BanazMahmod, 20, was subjected to the 2-1/2 hour ordeal before she was garroted with a bootlace. Her body was stuffed into a suitcase and taken about 100 miles to Birmingham where it was buried in the back garden of a house."

The full story:

That's one part of it: The other part is that Islam will also condone  slavery (This is going to be the case with Europeans, having innocents on the continent abiding by their rules.). Quotes from the Qur'an will reveal that the Muslim's true goal all these years were to help the Jews obtain ultimate power in all countries and remove gentile power. These quotes heavily imply that, through Islam, the Jews seek to kill everyone and possibly enslave remaining survivors.

Qur'an 17:104 : "And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land; but when the promise of the Hereafter (wa3’dul akhirati) cometh to pass We shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations."

Qur'an 17:4 : "And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture: Ye verily will experience corruption (exile) in the earth twice, but Ye will then after (thumma) ascend (ta’lunna) to a great height (or station)."

Qur’an 5:20: "Bear in mind the words of Moses to his people [the Children of Israel]. He said: 'Remember, my people, the favour which God has bestowed upon you. He [Allah] has raised up prophets among you, made you kings, and given you that [the Torah and the Land of Israel] which He has given to no other nation. Enter, my people, the holy land [of Israel] which God has assigned for you. Do not turn back, and thus lose all'". ["The Table"]

Qur’an 32;22: "We [Allah] gave the Book [Torah] to Moses (never doubt that you will meet him) and made it a guide for the Israelites. And when they grew steadfast and firmly believed in Our revelations, We appointed leaders from among them who gave guidance at Our bidding. On the Day of Resurrection your Lord will resolve their differences for them". ["Adoration"]
Qur’an: 45:17: "We [Allah] gave the Book [Torah] to the Israelites and bestowed on them wisdom and prophethood. We provided them with wholesome things and exalted them above the nations".["Kneeling"]

If people think Islam is against murdering people, they are mistaken on that too. If you don't believe in their god, they will kill you, and there are verses that prove that the Quar'an indeed condones murder.

"Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them." - (Surah 4:89)

"If the unbelievers do not offer you peace, kill them wherever you find them. Against such you are given clear warrant." -
(Surah 4:91)

"Believers must fight for Allah. They must kill and be killed , and are bound to do so by the Torah, Gospel, and Quran. But Allah will reward them for it." - (Surah 9:111)

These Qur'an quotes are all very damning, implying that Islam, just like Christianity, support the Jew, and that by proxy, Muslims support Communism, and to a more widespread extent, commit and manage crimes.

The Quaran condones Child Murder

Quaran 18:74, 80, 81 - "So they continued until they met a young man and killed the boy. He (Moses) said: “Did you kill an innocent soul without justice? As for this boy, his parents were believers, but we feared that he would lead them into error and unbelief. Therefore, we wanted their Lord to replace the son with a better son who is purer and more virtuous. [This verse is the theological basis for honor killings]"

The Quaran condones Slavery and Rape

Quran (33:50) – “O Prophet! We have made lawful those (slaves) at your right hand from among the captives whom Allah has assigned to you.”

Mohammed has the right to an almost unlimited number of sex partners. Other Muslims are limited to four wives, but are allowed to have sex with any number of slaves, following the example of their prophet.

Quran (23:5-6) – “Abstain from sex except with those associated with them in the bond of marriage, or (the captives) whose right hand possesses them.”

Quran (4:24) – “And all married women (are forbidden to you) except those (captives) whom your right hand possesses.”
Even sex with married slaves is allowed.


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