The reason a large number of people are against making Christianity, Islam, and Judaism illegal

WARNING: Do not read this if you can accept the harshness of the content

Pacifism/non-violence isn't as effective as a tactic as it is as an ideology. I believe that, if America is to be great again, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism must first be made illegal. Reading this, a lot of Americans will oppose this right away, thinking that doing so is not just a violation of 1st Amendment rights that prompts a radical response from the leaders of these religions, but it violates the freedoms of these religious people alike. The criticism seems good at a glance, but the argument falls flat when one realizes that these religions promote and condone genocide, poverty, rape, infant slaughter, destruction of families, and many more crimes that are listed here. That said, that's one of the reasons I believe Judaism, Christianity, and Islam should be made illegal. Another reason I believe that Christianity and Islam should be banned in the US is that the two religions are offshoots of Judaism and are Jewish in origin. It must be noted the churches and the mosques around are power bases for the Jews themselves. By banning Christianity and Islam, the power the Jews hold today will be weakened and they'll less to fall back on. Without Christianity and Islam, the Jews wouldn't be nearly as powerful as they are today. For those who think Christians can be antisemites, here's the following quote:

"It is not possible for Christians to take part in Anti-Semitism. We are Semites Spiritually." - Pope Pius, 1922- 1939

If that isn't enough, here's another one about Christianity: 

"How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has
been for us and our predecessors?" Pope Leo X, 1514
You can't make this stuff up. 

Now with all this in mind, the reason a large number people veto against the ban on Christianity, Islam, Judaism is because they'll fear the loss of power they've accumulated over the centuries. My motives for banning the Abrahamic religions are not petty.


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